Conecte Mirakl y Stripe

Sincronizar Mirakl con Stripe






Sincroniza tus pedidos

Importa o exporta tus pedidos de una aplicación a otra.


Realice un seguimiento de su inventario

Mantenga su inventario actualizado sincronizando su stock.


Sincroniza tus contactos

Sincroniza contactos y clientes entre tus aplicaciones.


Exporta tus facturas

Duplica tus facturas y haz una copia de seguridad de tus datos importantes.

Enhance your Mirakl marketplaces by integrating with Stripe to better manage your payments.

Stripe handles key payment functions, such as subscriptions, storing cards and direct payouts to user bank accounts. It also offers solutions for mobile and web payments that are specially built for developers. Stripe enables businesses to accept international debit cards, credit cards and currencies.
Stripe provides support options such as online support, a customer knowledge base and forums. Additionally, Stripe can be integrated with applications such as Shopify, FreshBooks, Zoho Invoice, Zoho Subscriptions, TalentLMS, Squarespace, Sellsy, Intercom, Slack, Zapier and Abacus.
You can use Mirakl Ads to promote your products on Mirakl, in search results and other pages on Mirakl. Mirakl Ads optimises your budget to advertise your products in placements where they will perform best.
Mirakl does provide data and statistics about your shop. Using the statistics you can see how your shop is performing, where your traffic comes from and how buyers interact with your product listings.


+ Stripe


Plataforma sin código, comience a integrarse en cuestión de minutos.

Transacciones en vivo

Observe en tiempo real los datos transferidos de una aplicación a otra.

Control del workflow

Detenga e inicie sus workflows de datos cuando lo necesite.

Estadísticas avanzadas

Realice un seguimiento de los análisis de sus sincronizaciones.

Configuración sencilla

Crea tu integración en solo 3 pasos y sin ningún conocimiento técnico.

Desarrollo a la medida

Comparta sus requisitos específicos con nosotros para una integración a medida.

Trabajo en equipo

Invite a miembros del equipo, establezca permisos personalizados.

Guías de integración

Consejos para integrar Mirakl y Stripe fácilmente


Mirakl is a marketplace that allows you to develop your online business regardless of the size of your business or the sector of your activities.


Online payment processing for internet businesses. Stripe is a suite of payment APIs that powers commerce for online businesses of all sizes, including fraud prevention, and subscription management. Use Stripe's payment platform to accept and process payments online for easy-to-use commerce solutions.

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