Frequently Asked Questions
On a cloud platform, back-ups and software updates become a thing of the past. You’re always logged in to the most up-to-date version of the software, with all the latest functions, tax rates and necessary returns. Also, your work is saved automatically as you go, so you save both time and money on tedious back-up procedures.
With an online CRM system, you can significantly reduce your reliance on paperwork. Invoices can be emailed out and shared through storage platforms directly to clients, removing the costs of printing and postage – and speeding up the payment process. Incoming bills and receipts can be scanned and saved directly onto the storage platform with the associated transactions in your CRM software.
Because your documents are all digitised and stored in the cloud, there is no need to keep customer data or store the customer related files on your computer. This helps in backing up your data safely, where you will be able to retrieve it from anywhere and at any time.
Working with colleagues, and sharing data with your advisers, is an extremely straightforward process when you are based in the cloud. Using the old desktop approach, you have limited access to your accounts, which makes collaboration with colleagues and advisers difficult. With a SaaS or online software solution, you, your colleagues, your management team and your advisers can all access the same data instantly, from any geographical location.
Sync Your Customers
The software and online tools that allow you to interact with your customers, prospects and potential customers should always be interconnected so that you don't miss anything.
Live TransactionsOrganise Your Data
Integrating Synchron into your business will simplify this data synchronisation and keep up to date the latest information about your clients and customers.
Workflow ControlYour application isn't listed?
We also develop bespoke and tailor-made solutions, so get in touch with us to find out more!
And if you are a software developer, share your application on our platform to reach more customers.